About Us

Fertilicare's first priority is to provide a safe and supportive community for those who are facing fertility issues. Our aim is to inform, educate, support and raise awareness to help people make informed decisions on available fertility treatments and other alternatives like adoption and surrogacy.

We strive to be more than just a trying to conceive (TTC) website, although the exchange of knowledge and ideas is one of the core purposes of Fertilicare, our most important purpose is to be a community of care and support, even to those who might never succeed in having children. It is intended to be a safe haven to those coping with both the physical treatment of infertility and coping psychologically with the day to day realities of dealing with infertility.

The Team

Maritza met Tertia online, as many of us meet friends on the journey through infertility. Their mutual passion for caring and supporting those who are facing fertility issues gave birth to Fertilicare. By combining their strengths they are building the strongest infertility support community in South Africa in the hope that it will eventually become the first point of contact to all couples seeking online information on infertility related resources.

Tertia Loebenberg Albertyn

Tertia is a recovering infertile and now mother to twins conceived on her 9th IVF. She has written extensively about her experiences, both on her award winning blog (www.tertia.org) and in her book 'So Close', detailing her five year battle with infertility. She is passionate about infertility, and has dedicated her time to assisting those who are still in the infertility trenches. Tertia has a MBA from the University of Cape Town, and lives in Cape Town with her husband and two children.

Her Blog: So Close - www.tertia.org

Maritza Prinsloo Botha

Maritza Prinsloo Botha's Facebook profile Maritza is a Partner in a Tax Consulting Practice and Psychology/Industrial Psychology graduate from the University of Johannesburg. In her pursuit of motherhood and struggle with the challenges of infertility she has identified the need for a well organised online infertility support group that can provide quality information to individuals embarking on the journey to conceive with the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). She lives in George with her husband raising their twin babies conceived with the assistance of ART.

Her Blog: In Vivo - www.invivo.co.za