Archive for the ‘CGH – Comparative Genomic Hybridization’ Category

I read this article in the FitPregnancy magazine about a lady 41 years old, 11 IVFs down [some number like that]. All failed. Through research, fertility doctors in the UK where able to find out one of the possible causes of the failure for implantation.

Monday, May 4th, 2009

You are referring to polar body biopsy and CGH. The technology is still very much in its infancy, but holds a lot of promise for the future. It  is not available locally yet and only in a few selected units in the rest of the world due to the fact that it is relatively new.

- Answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk -

I have done 3 IVF’s with ICSI and have had excellant fertilization rates and have over 4 embryos by day 5, I have had blastocysts tranferred every time but have never had a successful cycle. Is it possible that all my embryos have a chromosonal defect, and that is why they are not implanting. My hysteroscopy showed everything to be normal and I have a lining of about 11mm by day 12 of cycle. I would also like to know if Vitalab offers Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) testing and if not do you know of a clinic that does?

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

“Failure to implant” is every fertility unit’s nightmare. 70% of the reasons for non implantation is usually due to embryo quality and the other 30% is made up of uterine and immunological factors such as anti nuclear factor, anti phospholipids syndrome, HLA incompatibility and chromosomal defects in either the male or female partner.CGH is a new kid on the block and should be generally commercially available in a year or two. It is a very exciting development in the world of IVF/ICSI and we all hope for it to be the proverbial “holy grail” of ART.I am not aware of any clinics in South Africa that can offer this technology at the time of writing this response and only know of a few units in the rest of the world at this stage.

- Week 20 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk -


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