What is AMH?
Thursday, May 7th, 2009Good article explaining the basics of AMH:
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS)
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5 day transfer
alternative health
AMH - Anti-Müllerian hormone
AMH - Anti-Müllerian hormone
Anti Depressants
Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH)
DE - donor eggs
egg quality
embryo transfer
FET - frozen embryo transfer
Hostile Cervical Mucus
ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
IUI - Intra Uterine Insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilisation
OHSS - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
ovulation induction
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
sperm count
![]() Archive for the ‘AMH – Anti-Müllerian hormone’ CategoryWhat is AMH?Thursday, May 7th, 2009Good article explaining the basics of AMH: Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) http://www.repromedix.com/pdf/AMHbL17CF181.pdf If I have an AMH of 0.6 and FSH of 5.5, stage 3 endo removed in AUgust last year and 30 years old, would IVF be my only option? We’ve been doing IUI with donor sperm (due to DH having azoospermia)but we have been unlucky 8 timesMonday, May 4th, 2009With an AMH of 0.6, a history of stage 3 endometriosis and failed inseminations with good quality donor sperm, IVF is without a doubt the next step sooner rather than later. - Answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - I know it might be a million-dollar question, but aside from maintaining a moderately healthy lifestyle, is there anything women can do outside the “lab” or fertility clinic to improve their chances of conception? I’ve read of women who get different AMH results from one test to another, and in some cases an increase? What would account for these differences?Friday, January 30th, 2009The issue with the AMH is not the fluctuation, but the cut off value as far as response and prognosis goes. Like FSH levels, AMH levels fluctuate as well, but to a much lesser extent, hence the better predictive value. Therefore, apart from trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not smoking or drinking and trying to stick to a balanced diet, from an evidence based point of view there is not too much else that can be done to change the outcome. - Bi-Week 30 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - What is the success rate of IVF with own eggs with an AMH of between 0.5 and 1 at the age of 25 if there are no male factor problems?Wednesday, January 14th, 2009The success rate is less than that of somebody with a normal AMH at age 25. This is due to the anticipated poor response to stimulation of the ovaries, leading to less eggs harvested. However, the issue is that even though one may harvest fewer eggs, the eggs being harvested are still only 25 years old which is the silver lining, so to speak. Therefore at age 25, one should still be optimistic about having a good outcome. - Week 29 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - About two years ago I got diagnosed with PCOS, but this year in October I had my AMH tested, and the value came back as 0.55. In between the PCOS diagnosis and the low AMH result I had some laps done, during which my prev. FS did ovarian drilling. Is it possible that the ovarian drilling caused the low AMH?Friday, December 12th, 2008Because an AMH was not before the ovarian drilling one can not comment on whether the drilling caused the low AMH.
- Week 27 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk -
What exactly does a very high AMH mean? What causes low AMH and can it be prevented?Sunday, November 9th, 2008AMH is an indicator of egg quantity and indirectly, possible egg quality. A very high AMH is more likely than not an indication of underlying PCOS. A low AMH is an indicator of diminished ovarian reserve volume and can not be prevented as one can not stop one’s biological clock. It is important to remember that AMH is just one of a few tools in order to establish ovarian reserve volume and should be interpreted in conjunction with all the other tools available. - Week 22 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - Is it totally impossible for some one with a low amh (Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008Anyone can fall pregnant for as long as they are menstruating and have oocytes left in the ovary, regardless of the AMH level. The AMH level is only an indication of what kind of response one can expect with IVF/ICSI and therefore predict a possible outcome. The issue is therefore, the lower the level of the AMH, the less likely it is for conception to take place, but the chance of conception is NEVER zero. Anything is possible. As to when one would decide it is not worth pursuing: It is difficult to give a definite answer as miracles do happen. The feeling in Europe is that if the level is less that 0.5, that ART should probably not be offered due to the fact that the probability of a good outcome is very small. - Week 20 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - Can a person with a low AMH display a high count of antral follicles on ultrasound?Friday, June 13th, 2008This is possible when there is an error in running the test, in other words a technicality from the lab. That is exactly the reason why one ALWAYS has to correlate the result with what you see on ultrasound. ( Almost as a backup safety net so to speak). The golden rule is to correlate and if still not satisfied, to repeat the test. The AMH test is very temperature sensitive and therefore a break in this temperature chain may lead to an inappropriate result. - Week 16 answers kindly provided by Dr. Stephan Volschenk - |
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